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Friday the 13th Night Ride at OAO24

For years, Over And Out has sponsored a women’s team in the Northeast 24 Hour Challenge, and we see this race as a awesome challenge - from working as a team, to dialing in your fitness and hydration to riding in shifts for a full 24 hours.

Then there is the night riding aspect, which takes it all to a whole new level! This is why we’re doing an evening group ride at at our women’s event in PA this September!

Ladies attending in September can join a group ride on Friday evening along with members of our Trail Support team, gals from our 24-Hour team, and coach Edgar Cota who rode the Baja 1000 through the night solo, winning Ironman!

Why Try a Night Ride?

For a New Adventure

Night riding infuses a sense of adventure and heightened adrenaline. The darkness adds an element of mystery, turning even familiar trails into new and thrilling paths. This is an easy, supportive way to try something new and exciting!

Train Your Focus and Concentration

Ideal riding posture has the rider looking ahead, not down at every rock, root or bump - a tough habit to break sometimes. Looking straight ahead and riding through small terrain changes with momentum and confidence is ideal. Using a headlight can force you to look out where your lights are aimed. This is helpful in creating good riding habits.

Social Bonding Like No Other

When riding with a crew in the dark, there can be moments where you rely on or gain visibility to things thanks to someone else’s lights. It creates a unique bonding experience, sharing the thrill of the dark, overcoming challenges together, not to mention enjoying post-ride stories around the campfire!

Tips for Safe Night Riding

  • Invest in Reliable Lighting: Ensure your dirt bike and helmet have high-quality, reliable lights.

  • Ride Familiar Trails: Stick to trails you know well to reduce the risk of unexpected obstacles.

  • Wear Reflective Gear: Increase your visibility with reflective clothing and gear.

  • Ride with a Buddy: Having a riding partner adds an extra layer of safety and support.

  • Stay Aware of Wildlife: Be mindful of animals that are more active at night and could cross your path.

Friday the 13th Night Ride at OAO24

Friday evening of Over And Out 2024 happens to be Friday the 13th! What better, more thrilling time to venture out into the dark?! We invite you to layer on glow-in-the-dark gear or decorations!

Date: Friday, September 13, 2024 (Ticket-holders only. Register here!)

Time: Gather in main field in front of the cabin @ 7:45pm to depart by 8pm sharp!

The Route: We will stick to Easiest (Green Arrrow) trails going to the Lookout and back via the Elevator and Powerline Trails (for those of you familiar). These trails are not necessarily ‘easy’, and not beginner friendly. They are wide, two-way trails, but can be rocky and sandy. You can pre-ride these trails during the day on 9/13 to see how you feel about riding it at night.

Skill / Bike Level: This is not a beginner-friendly ride; we ask you have at least intermediate riding abilities. You should be confident enough on your bike to feel like you can navigate rocky two-track, uphill and downhill, and rocky/sandy power line trail and maintain momentum with the group. While we will have support, we also must keep together at a moderate pace to ensure the group’s safety and return back to camp in a timely manner. Recommended cc range: 150-350cc.

Lighting Requirements: You must bring your own. Minimum lighting requirement is a strong headlight and/or strong helmet light. Additional lights like helmet light(s) or light bar(s) are preferred. See our lighting guide for tips.

Gear Requirements: Full-face dirt helmet, goggles, off-road motorcycle boots, moto pants and jersey, knee pads or knee braces, and your preferred combination of additional protective pads for chest, back, shoulder and/or elbow.

What Else: Show us your Friday-the-13th-themed or glow-in-the-dark flare with accessories, stickers, decorations and more! Keep it safe, and don’t forget to include some reflective or high-viz bits for safety.

No Advance Sign Up Required, just be suited, booted and ready to roll at the designated time. You must meet the above requirements!

As always, email us with any questions!